Celebrating California State Parks week

Celebrating California State Parks week

June 14-18, 2022 is California State Parks week, so it's a great time to get out there! It's an entire week dedicated to exploring the beauty of California. At Bike.com, we love celebrating amazing places to ride. With the massive size of California, there are so many great routes to explore. 

Packing up your eBike for a weekend trip in California? Make sure you understand California's eBike laws, and how they apply inside the state park system, before you make plans.

eBike rules in California State Parks

The #1 thing you must know about eBikes in California State Parks is that eBike access is set on a per-park level. That means the rules vary from park to park.

  • A new policy is in place as of August, 2021, so things may have changed since your last visit
  • Check this complete list provided by the state that lists all eligible parks where you can ride eBikes.
  • If it's not on this list, eBikes are not allowed.

In some California state parks, like Will Rogers and Wilder Ranch, you can ride your Class I eBike anywhere traditional "analog" bikes are allowed. In others, like Chino Hills State Park, eBikes aren't permitted on any trail at all.

Note that different rules can apply based on the rating of your eBike. In general, those California State Parks that DO allow eBike use on trails only permit Class I eBikes; Class II and III eBikes are not permitted off-road. Class II and III eBikes can generally be ridden on public roadways within the State Park system - like the paved roads around campgrounds.

California eBikes rules outside of state parks

California uses the Class I, II, III eBike system. There are restrictions on which class of eBikes have access to certain roads and trails, some limits based on rider age, and also helmet requirements to understand. We put together this guide to California eBike laws with all the details.

Favorite state park not on the "eBikes allowed" list? There are still some great places to ride outside of the state park system. Check our ideas for some of the best places to ride and we have some additional info specific to Southern California as well. 

Happy riding and enjoy the beauty of California!


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